
The Tres Dias weekend is an opportunity for Christian candidates to encounter Jesus Christ, experience other Christians serving them in love, and receive new inspiration for living our life in Christ.  Tres Dias seeks the participation of all Christian denominations.

  • The main teaching of Tres Dias is God’s unconditional love for us through His grace.
  • The objective of Tres Dias is to strengthen His Church by a closer personal walk with Jesus.
  • The purpose of Tres Dias is to inspire apostolic action in our environment and Christian leaders in the church.


Tres Dias is an interdenominational group of Christians.  The Spanish Tres Dias means “Three Days” which is the length of the “weekend” that is commonly held from Thursday through Sunday.  It developed from Cursillo de Christiandad or “short course in Christianity” that started in Spain during the 1940s. Tres Dias started in the US in 1972 and is overseen by Tres Dias International that is made up of laymen and clergy from around the world.

After a candidate attends a weekend, he or she becomes a Pescador (fisherman).  Pescadores are encouraged to meet in small groups (Reunion Groups) to continue developing their Christian life and church leadership.  There are over 50 Tres Dias communities (local chapters) in the world and over ten thousand people have attended a weekend.  Weekends are sponsored and coordinated by local chapters that have been chartered by Tres Dias International.

Statement of Belief

Statement of Beliefs. The Tres Dias Statement of Belief, as adopted by NORTH FLORIDA TRES DIAS:

We believe and profess:

  • We believe and profess our faith in one Triune God – The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19).
  • We believe and profess that Jesus Christ is the only savior and is god in the flesh (John 1:1, 1:14, 3:36, 14:6 & Heb. 2:17).
  • We believe and profess that The Holy Spirit is God and is The Lord and Giver of life, who continues to work in believers today to sanctify, edify and empower the whole Christian church on earth – – for His purpose (Job 33:4, Acts 1:8, John 14:26 & Rom. 8:11).
  • We believe and profess that the Holy Scriptures are the inspired and completely true Word of God (II Tim. 3:16-17).
  • We believe and profess that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; that forgiveness of sins is received through confession and repentance – – and that our sins are washed away through the blood of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38, John 1:9 & Rom. 3:23).
  • We believe and profess that salvation is a gift of God’s grace received through personal faith in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8)
  • We believe and profess that the Body of Christ is to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of The Son of God (Eph. 4:3, 13).
  • We believe and profess that God’s unconditional love, as made manifest to us through Jesus Christ, is the primary witness by which people are renewed, edified and changed (I Cor. 13:8).
  • We believe and profess that God has called us to live holy lives that will bring glory to His name (Col. 3:1-25).

NFTD Information

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Team Meetings

Weekend Pictures



Tres Dias Essentials

Tres Dias International

NFTD By-Laws

NFTD Policies & Practices

Pescadore Orientation

Submit a Prayer Request

Past Weekends

Online Candidate Application

©2025 North Florida Tres Dias • PO Box 10167, Tallahassee, FL 32302